Google +1 button launches across the web

Written By technotheory on Thursday, June 2, 2011 | 7:01 AM

Some websites now plus-oneable - Google has announced that its +1 button will be proliferating across the web from today, landing on websites themselves rather than solely on search results.

The +1 button is a lot like the Facebook 'Like' button, allowing users to say "this is pretty cool" to their friends and contacts (Google's words, not ours).

Google has partnered with 11 big-traffic sites which will be the first to get the +1 button, including Rotten Tomatoes, Reuters, Best Buy, BloomBerg and the Washington Post.

The button will also start appearing on the Google-owned Android Market, YouTube and Blogger.

Another way to not use words

The extended +1 rollout comes hot on the heels of Twitter's launch of the Follow button for websites, meaning your friends will be in no doubt about whether or not you're a fan of a web page now as you 'Like' it, 'Follow' it and then '+1' it.

Google says that the +1 button should "make search results even more helpful and relevant" – which essentially means we'll all be helping Google sell more targeted advertising, as our own Gary Marshall points out.

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