Apple announced its latest iPhone, the iPhone 4S that has the same design as the iPhone 4. The new model sports a dual-core A5 processor and dual-core graphics chip, which, according to Apple, offers twice the processing power and up to seven times faster graphics than iPhone 4. The display remains the same, featuring a 3.5-inch 960×640 326ppi Retina Display. It gets a new 8 Megapixel camera with F/2.4 aperture, advanced hybrid IR filter that produce sharper, brighter and more accurate image and Full HD 1080p video recording.
One of the main features you can find on the iPhone 4S is the Siri intelligent assistant that helps you get things done just by asking. Siri helps you make calls, send text messages or email, schedule meetings and reminders, make notes, search the Internet, find local businesses, get directions and more. The new iPhone is now a world phone supporting both CDMA EVDO and GSM/UMTS networks and supports twice the download speed with HSDPA of up to 14.4 Mbps. It also gets an improved antenna design for better signal reception.
The iPhone 4S runs the latest iOS 5 that offers iCloud, iMessage, Notification Center, built-in Twitter integration, and more. The iPhone 4S comes in either black or white and will be available in the US for $199 for the 16GB model and $299 for the 32GB model and $399 for the new 64GB model, with contract. It will be available from the Apple Online Store, Apple’s retail stores and through AT&T, Sprint, Verizon Wireless. Apple will also release 8GB iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS will still be available.
Apple iPhone 4S
Apple iPhone 4S
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