7 Best iPhone Apps For Graphic Designers

Written By technotheory on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 | 1:54 AM

So, you became a graphic designer because you’ve constantly got design ideas popping out of your head that can make you money. But what do you do when you’re in transit or are away from a computer and can’t just whip out pen and paper?

Easy. Get some graphic design apps for your iPhone. There are plenty of good, inexpensive applications that will satisfy your urge to create when you have no other practical outlet. You can lay out a rough idea, then port it to your desktop programs later for refining. In one fell swoop you will have follow your urge to design and remind yourself why you became a graphic designer in the first place. Earlier we shared iPhone apps to improve your health and some cool iPhone games, hope this apps are also essential for you.

Here are the top seven best iPhone apps for graphic designers:

  1. Font Game : Here you select fonts in order to get up close and personal with them. The idea is to see how the fonts scale up or down. It is literally a game, so you get to unwind a little bit while learning the peculiarities of specific fonts.
  2. Palettes 2.0 : Creating a pleasing color layout is one of the biggest challenges of graphic design. You don’t want to jar the viewer too badly, nor do you want it to be so boring that they won’t look any closer. This app allows you to create a color palette by grabbing from photographs and websites, or adding colors from different color models.
  3. Simple Mind Touch: This app is useful for when you’re brainstorming or need a place to structure your thoughts. You create a flow chart with your thoughts and ideas, then you can color code each grouping. It is an easy-to-use program that allows you to get the ideas out of your head and into the world.
  4. WhatTheFont : This program identifies fonts in photos, magazines, posters and more. If you’ve ever seen a font that you really like and want to use, but can’t name it, WhatTheFont does it for you. Capture the font and refer back to it later when you start your design.
  5. Sketches 2 : A great program for when you need to visually express an idea through drawing. You can write down notes, make diagrams, and make simple sketches. Great for when a quick outline is sufficient for the idea at hand.
  6. Loupe : An awesome app that captures a color and creates a swatch. You don’t even have to remember what that color was you saw somewhere and try to recreate it at home. Loupe saves the color as you saw it, making an easy reference for when you need it.
  7. Paper Sizes : Yes, this is an actual application. Sometimes the memory fails and you can’t remember the standard classification of a size of paper. Paper Sizes is a handy reference guide for those times.

Graphic design is a very rewarding career. Maximize your creativity with these apps, and increase your income as well.

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1 komentar:

iPhone App Design said...

I like all of them>they're really of great importance.

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